If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are, it's a f@cking duck! ~Ghost

I often find that many people, if not most, are unaware of this theory.
They had never heard of it before.
There is a crucial distinction, however, that needs to be made here.
Almost everyone who identifies on the left knows all about it.
People who have never heard of it are primarily on the right.
Which brings up an interesting question does it not?
Especially since those on the left claim that this "replacement theory" or myth as they call it is being pushed by those on the right.
I find this quite interesting.
The people being blamed for pushing this "conspiracy theory" are completely unaware of it for all intents and purposes.
How does THAT happen? Lies maybe?
Well, that is what we are about to examine here. Does this theory hold true based on the facts or is it as those on the left claim, a myth?
Let's go!
As always, my scribbles are for educational/entertainment purposes only. They are my own opinions and beliefs based on my own research.
It's just something to think about folks. Agreeing with me is not a requirement to listen. ~Ghost
Theory or Myth
In a nutshell. Americans, specifically 'white' Americans are being slowly pushed out and replaced by the unchecked invasion of illegal immigrants who are primarily non-white, Muslim and from all over the world.
This is a fact you can very easily confirm for yourself, it is all public record widely reported on by both right and left leaning media.
First off, a little history, the concept of using 'migration' to change a populations makeup is far from new.
In fact, humans have used a version of this process for a long time in animal farming practices.
I always heard it called "seeding the herd" when I was growing up but there is a technical term for it as well.
It works like this. Say you have tan-colored cows of decent breeding stock, but your breeding bulls who are also tan, are only about 1000 pounds each and just not producing optimal offspring.
Note that this is inherently a long process that changes the herd through generations of offspring.
Switch out your bulls for Black Angus for example, 1500 lbs. stocky with solid blood lines. Over time your herd will become Black Angus with all of the qualities you gave it by choosing the right breeding bulls.
Now days this is usually accomplished through controlled insemination using purchased sperm that has the best chance of giving you the results you are looking for.
I feel I must interject here a reminder for context.
Everything that science and the government gives or does to us was first given to and done to other mammals to see what would happen.
We know this for a fact, so why is it so hard to believe that they would use this as well? Just saying.
So, let's take a look at the main 'reason' the progressives/Marxists give for their action's, extreme world poverty.
Poverty is not a natural state, when the government through its policies and regulations makes the cost of living unsustainable for the poorest people, that is what causes extreme poverty.
We send billions of our hard-earned money to these impoverished countries every year and the only thing that ever changes is how much more money that they claim to need.
The money is sent to the country's government, but the people's situation never changes even a little bit in the big picture.
But cities still go up, are constantly modernized costing billions of dollars, segregated by social status.
While the leaders run around in $5,000 dollar suits and limousines to $100,000 a plate dinner parties their people are starving.
You do not need a PHD to figure out that the government is keeping the money to enrich themselves and their rich supporters.
That is what causes extreme poverty for those outside of that circle of elites and there is already a name for it, Socialism.
In the words of my generation- DUH!
But what does happen is OUR country gets flooded with people who are incompatible with our culture causing massive civil unrest and again we must ask ourselves.
Do we really believe that the people who are supposed to be the best minds of our species did not know that all of this would happen before they did it?
And yet they did it anyway didn't they? I personally would call that a blindingly clear indication that there is another agenda at work here would it not?
Why else would they be lying to us which we know for a FACT that they are. Even the mainstream propaganda machine is starting to call them on the lies.
Think about that for a while and let your commonsense tear into it.
All of that being said it seems to me that this is not a theory at all but a fact.
This is because it is being practiced right now during our animal husbandry operations and dates back as far as humans have been breeding other animals.
So, the concept is solid, the practice exists, is well known and documented so now we need to look at whether or not and how this could be or is being applied to humans.
Is it?
The answer to this question is yes, it has in fact been used in the past by those in power to change every aspect of a populations make up through "migration". We use this term in its most fundamental meaning.
Something or someone moving from one place to another which allows us to encompass other contexts.
Our greatest example as I see it of this being practiced can be found within the religion of Islam.
We are not here to discuss the virtues or evils of Islam or any other religion as they are at their core simply a vehicle to exert control.
The people who practice these religions are who determines if they are righteous or wicked. So, let's not go there.
Their (Islamists) <<< watch this! stated goal is to convert the entire world to Islam, (primarily focused within the political ideology of Sharia Law which is fascistic by its very nature), and they are not shy about letting everyone know that.
The problem is people are not that willing to subjugate themselves into slavery within the more modern world and the massive bloodshed of the past forced conversions will turn the world against them.
So, they figured out centuries ago that they could use sheer numbers to change the power dynamics of a society they seek to overthrow years before they made their move to seize power.
(Click image for link)
If force is needed later, it can be minimized as with the casualty rate which of course leaves more people to enslave which they see as a god given right, it's a win-win for them all around.
Many times, force is never needed at all, they simply turn the current ruling structure into a minority and start passing oppressive laws that are designed to coerce everyone into compliance by converting to Islam or face the consequences.
That is accomplished through migration.
This is not my opinion folks; it is written into their own holy texts, and they admit it openly.
And they have done just that many, many times throughout the history of the religion/political ideology during its spread.
We can also take a minute and see it for ourselves in black and white more recently. Migration as Conquest | Gates of Vienna
At the famous Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem,[1] the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina, the leading imam Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave a speech in 2015 to Palestinian Muslims.[2] He said that Europe was facing a demographic disaster with low birth rates, and urged Muslims to have children with Europeans so they could “trample them underfoot, Allah willing.” Since Muslim women according to traditional Islamic law are forbidden from marrying or having children with non-Muslim men, he was essentially calling on Muslim men to conquer Europe through its women. Muhammad Ayed further stated that “We will give them fertility. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries.”
Sound familiar? Keep this in mind for later.
Interpret that how you choose but it is pretty obvious to me anyway that they are talking about breeding Europeans out of existence and how is that possibly done you might ask?
By flooding that country with young Muslim men who believe that they have a god given right to rape any non-Muslim woman they come into contact with.
Remember the bulls and the cows?
I believe that qualifies as using migration (and rape don't forget) to conquer a nation, but hey, maybe that's just me.
Do a little research and you will find that Islam has been doing this for centuries so the process, or act, whatever we label it as is no myth.
It is still happening today, this very minute in most European countries due to their governments importing millions of Muslims (possible Islamists) into their countries who by their very religion are forbidden from integrating into any society except to aid in conquering it.
Have you not ever asked yourself why our governments are so determined to import as many Muslims in particular as they can knowing full well that those peoples very existence is to conquer and convert every living human being to Islam?
The "barbarians" are no longer at the gates people. Our government has set up a pipeline to deliver them right into our communities knowing full well the chaos this will cause.
(Click Image for link)
Are you not curious as to why in the hell they are doing that, have you never even stopped to think about it?
You might just want to take some time and do that my friend.
We are not incompatible with them; they are incompatible with our democratic process that ensure liberties and freedoms where they only want to oppress and control.
There is no logic in doing this, it is 100% antithetical to the best interests of the indigenous population so why in the hell are they doing it? Migration as Conquest | Gates of Vienna
In 2007 the powerful Islamic cleric Yusuf Qaradawi also stated that Islam will “conquer” Europe.[3] He said that this does not necessarily have to happen through war.
Now, we are not going to dig any deeper into this can of worms (Islam) because we are only using it as an example based on the religion's own history.
But it seems clear that Islam is succeeding in this boast right now and not through war, but through migration being spearheaded by our own governments using the European citizens own money to pay for it.
All for the "common good".
That is some diabolical shit man, and it is happening right now in Europe, it is undeniable.
Fortunately, if it does not turn out to be too late, the Europeans are fighting back, about a whole lot more than just forced migration too, power structures are in danger of collapsing or being replaced.
Only time will tell because as I stated earlier this is a generational process.
My generation, Gen X will likely be long in the box before we get to that point in the operation.
We will never know how it turns out which is why I feel sad when some snotty young person tells me that I am just trying to protect my own future.
I will be dead and gone by then so I am fighting for them, and they can't even see it through all of the hatred they carry with them.
So, let's see what we have so far and remember that we are looking at this from a purely common-sense, fact-based manner.
We have proven in my opinion that not only does this process exist, has been used in the past and I believe we are witnessing it right now across Europe.
So, what about here in the United States.
We are not going to dissect this because there is no need. Common sense, remember?
Did our government participate in the relocation of Muslim migrants in a large-scale operation?
YES, they did. Migration as Conquest | Gates of Vienna
The number of Muslim immigrants in the United States is diverse and comes from a wide array of countries. As of 2017, most U.S. Muslim adults (58%) hailed from other parts of the globe1. Roughly half of these Muslim immigrants (56%) have arrived since the year 2001. The immigrant respondents in Pew Research Center’s 2017 survey of U.S. Muslims named 75 different countries of origin1.
Over half of that number in just 16 years, think about that and keep it in mind for later.
They were proud of all of the Muslim migrants they brought into our country not knowing who is a Muslim, or who is an Islamist, so the numbers are very easy to find but the answer to this question is definitely yes.
Then we look at the immigration disaster our southern border currently is due to this administration basically throwing open our border to anyone who wants to walk in.
This is happening right now people and there is no denying it.
MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are being released by this administration into our country with nothing more than a piece of paper with a court date they will never show up ten years from now, if that!
Again, both right and left leaning media is talking about this as a crisis and blaming this administration for it.
It's not like it is some kind of secret.
However, also here again we do not need to dive into all of the logistics involved because our only goal is to find out if it is true, and it is.
This mass orchestrated migration to our country is happening, right now.
So, the next stop on our little mystery tour is to figure out WHY it is happening, is it due to stupidity, incompetence, or is it an intentional act perpetrated by our own government to replace or make a minority the 'white' American.
That is a debate for another scribble though because it is fraught with emotional baggage, and we want to stay focused on the facts.
It's that time guys, we gotta look at the numbers because this is where we get our basis for analysis.
But first a little look back at the broad timeline.
The full push for opening our borders may have happened under the Biden Administration but to get a clearer understanding we need to look back to where the framework started to be completed during the Obama administration.
The framework in my opinion began earnestly being built in the 1990s under the Clinton administration. (Quote from Hillary Clintons mentor)
Though the whole movement of cultural Marxism "officially" started way back in the early 1930s.
1933 to be exact with the arrival of the Frankfurt School, a group of communist intellectuals, researchers and academics fleeing Germany after Adolf Hitler rose to power.
We are not witnessing the beginning of this attack on our society, we are witnessing the end, the final push to seize total control of this country.
That is what the progressives/Marxists themselves say, win by any means necessary and they damn well mean it!
Lie, steal, kill, cheat. Marxists are people that have no moral boundaries, no conscience. They will do whatever it takes to seize and maintain power just like the Marxist tyrants that came before them leaving over 100 million dead and still counting in their wake.
The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means.
p. 26 (Saul Alinsky)
The only question we need to be asking ourselves right now is how many more are going to be murdered this time.
Or we could get off of our apathetic arses and stop it from happening in the first place.
That is always an option you know. Just saying, it's not too late.
Ok, common sense time so set those emotional reactions aside and let's finish this up.
For this we need to reach out to our old friend 'inevitability' because they know the answer we seek.
Now I am laying this out how I see it, you may not see what I do but that is ok because is that not the overall point I am trying to make with all of my scribbles?
Where what you see and what I see meet is where we find our first clues to move forward with, together, both seeing and hearing and interpreting things in our ways and then comparing notes through open dialogue.
It does not work that way anymore and that was an intentional act that I have proven to my own satisfaction.
I have scribbled a lot about inevitability but let's take a sec to make sure of what it means by definition. (Click image for link)
Death is an inevitability, or as I call it a 'true inevitability' There are also what I call the 'Created Inevitabilities' because we humans create and perpetuate them ourselves by our beliefs/thoughts turned into actions. You can read my scribble about The Law of Inevitability here.
This scribble comes under the heading of the latter because whether or not this happens depends entirely on what we humans do.
We created this problem; we perpetuate it and the only way we prevent it is by not doing what we have been doing any more!
It is that freaking simple people!
Ok, numbers. Don't worry, we do not need to look through an excel worksheet, just news headlines.
We are after all simply looking at things through the lens of common sense and rational thought. (Click Image for link)
This is a fact, and it is scary.
Since it is an uncontested fact that natural born Americans (citizens of the United States with generations of family behind them) are not having enough babies to replace our dwindling population we can move straight on to migration.
But first. You may be thinking well "what about this, what about that?"
We are not here to analyze why these things are happening at this point, we are only looking to prove that they ARE happening, the rest comes later, in another compartment.
We do have a bit of a problem with the numbers of American citizens because of our ridiculous law that makes every person born here is a citizen even if they have not been here any longer than to be born.
That being the case we need to turn our attention to race since the crux of the claim is that 'white' people are the ones who are being replaced and we must keep in mind that none of this is to be considered hard fact except whether or not the event is actually happening.
And here again we do not need to pull out any spread sheets we can look at what the 'experts' say.
We find our first fact right in the very first paragraph.
A snapshot of the United States in 2065 would show a nation that has 117 million more people than today, with no racial or ethnic majority group taking the place of today’s white majority, according to new Pew Research Center projections. About one-in-three Americans would be an immigrant or have immigrant parents, compared with one-in-four today.
So, the researchers are predicting a shift TO 1 in 3 being immigrants INSTEAD OF 1 IN 4 with 'white' remaining the majority population at that time.
That pretty much shows in itself that natural born Americans are being replaced by immigrants does it not?
Dump all of the outrage or other emotional irrelevance you want to at this, but it does not change the facts.
That is in a 41-year time span, THINK ABOUT THAT GUYS!
How about in 60 years, or 80, in a century?
Well, we do not need a calculator or an expert to tell us the answer. If things continue the way they are the natural born American citizen will be a thing of the past, at least as a majority in the United States.
It is an inevitability if we keep going the way we currently are.
When you keep adding 3 black marbles for every 1 white marble as an example you end up with a bowl of black marbles because the white ones eventually get pushed out.
It's common sense!
So, let's take a quick look at births by race in the United States.
Non-Hispanic White | Number | 2,056,332 | 1,992,461 | 1,956,413 | 1,915,912 | 1,843,432 | 1,887,656 | 1,840,739 |
Percent | 52% | 52% | 52% | 51% | 51% | 52% | 50% |
'White peoples' birth rates are fairly consistently falling every year as you can see in this chart from Total births by race and ethnicity | KIDS COUNT Data Center (aecf.org)
Black Or African American | Number | 623,886 | 626,027 | 600,933 | 600,281 | 584,979 | 577,041 | 573,922 |
Percent | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% |
The same goes for the black Americans, their birth rates are stagnating.
In fact, the only population in the United States that is in a sustainable birth rate are the Hispanic/Latino population which is unsurprising since they are the primary benefactors of this administrations open door policy.
Location | Race | Data Type | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
United States | American Indian Or Alaska Native | Number | 37,742 | 36,382 | 36,484 | 36,381 | 35,173 | 34,856 | 35,801 |
Percent | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% | ||
Asian And Pacific Islander | Number | 286,382 | 281,788 | 265,286 | 265,035 | 244,571 | 240,286 | 247,319 | |
Percent | 7% | 7% | 7% | 7% | 7% | 7% | 7% | ||
Black Or African American | Number | 623,886 | 626,027 | 600,933 | 600,281 | 584,979 | 577,041 | 573,922 | |
Percent | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | 16% | ||
Hispanic Or Latino | Number | 918,447 | 898,764 | 886,210 | 886,467 | 866,713 | 885,916 | 937,421 | |
Percent | 23% | 23% | 23% | 24% | 24% | 24% | 26% | ||
Non-Hispanic White | Number | 2,056,332 | 1,992,461 | 1,956,413 | 1,915,912 | 1,843,432 | 1,887,656 | 1,840,739 | |
Percent | 52% | 52% | 52% | 51% | 51% | 52% | 50% | ||
Two Or More Races | Number | 96,932 | 99,036 | 100,570 | 101,273 | 101,494 | 104,131 | 105,559 | |
Percent | 2% | 3% | 3% | 3% | 3% | 3% | 3% | ||
Total | Number | 3,945,875 | 3,855,500 | 3,791,712 | 3,747,540 | 3,613,647 | 3,664,292 | 3,667,758 | |
Percent | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
And then there is this.
So, let's compare birth and death numbers here in the United States.
That is not a good margin by any stretch of the imagination (and we have not even factored in abortion) given that many of those births are of non-white immigrants as well, they do not track that as far as I am aware. Why not?
2.1 children are the accepted number of children per woman to replace the population. We have not been there for a long time.
So, our population is dwindling, this is a fact due to unsustainable birth rates, and it has been at crisis levels for a very long time.
If this does not change, we will drive ourselves into oblivion and that by default means someone is going to replace us and by default they will be a non-white population.
Let's take a sec while looking at this crisis and remember what the left always says; "Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste!" We also know for a fact that all they care about is power and control just like every tyrant that came before them.
They know all of the information I laid out above and more, things we don't know so we have to stop and ask ourselves why they are doing what they are currently and have been doing for a long time now?
Our government SHOULD be finding ways and providing incentives, opportunities, or whatever it takes to get American citizens to start having children again to boost our population and get it back up to replacement levels or beyond.
Our government should be focused on creating the right environment for another baby boom in America, right?
Otherwise, we lose our nationality which is by the way a goal the progressives have made very clear is on their agenda. No borders, no nation.
The government should be strictly controlling immigration until our own population problems are straightened out in order to give us the chance to catch back up.
Connecting the dots yet?
That is all of course based on the assumption that our government cares and is working for us like they are supposed to be.
But that is not what they are doing during this crisis are they? Quite the opposite in fact.
Nope, they opened our border allowing 8 million plus unvetted, unvaccinated illegal immigrants from all over the world and primarily non-white to flood into our country unchecked in less than 4 years.
Thousands are still flooding in every single day on average. (click image for link)
Think about that headline, each day is a new record meaning more and more and more are coming through every day!
But this administration claims our border is closed and secure. Now I understand that two things can be true at the same time, but this is not one of those times people and you have to see that.
Both of these things absolutely cannot be true at the same time, so process of elimination reveals that this administration is quite obviously lying to us.
I do not know about you but being lied to pisses me off, big time. It is an insult to my intelligence thinking you can lie to my face and think that I am not smart enough to figure it out.
And don't forget back when the progressives imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims from "Syria" as 'refugees'.
And they want to let even more non-white migrants in, as many as they possibly can. These are the progressive's/Marxists own words not mine.
Remember the white marbles and the black marbles?
Remember inevitability?
We must also remember though that this path of inevitability can be changed at any time, by us, because it is our own actions that make it inevitable.
We simply need to stop doing what we are currently doing because it is absolutely not in our best interests to continue.
I am going to bounce right here y'all because those are my thoughts in a nutshell.
You have to decide for yourself whether or not it makes sense to you or not but anyway, thanks for taking the time.
Something to think about y'all, till next time. ~Ghost
Connective Tissue
Over all the progressives/Marxists claim that everything they are doing is for "The Greater Good" which is a friendly term for collectivism just like every tyrant that came before them.