This is an emotional subject for me as a father, it cuts me right to my very soul so I must put a language warning on this video. Nothing too bad, but still.
Source article (Washington Examiner)
Democrat Virginia Governor Candidate Says Parents Shouldn’t Have A Say In What Their Children Are Taught In School | The Daily Wire
Oregon school district books contain pornographic imagery of sex acts, according to portal | Fox News
I could keep adding websites, articles, and videos for the next month and I would not get them all in here. Primarily because there are many more being posted every day.
We hand our most precious parts of our life over to these people thinking and expecting that they are being protected from harm of any kind.
Does this sound like children are safe from predators in a system that protects and even knowing employs predators?
Coffee is on people...
This is the pretty package they are hiding it all within.
A deeper look under the pretty paper:
https://youtu.be/1uC3IQwyHHw (Parent)
https://youtu.be/v-fKU4ZEZL4 (News Report)
https://youtu.be/sFS6EdoLJAM (School Bord meeting in California talking about parents.)
https://youtu.be/Yxlyb8LB5l4 (News Report)