Anger is never without reason, but seldom with a good one. ~Benjamin Franklin

Maybe I should repeat something I said at the start of this adventure in content creation to reclarify my stand on things.
If you are looking for a safe space with gentle words and comforting lies you are in the wrong place.
I am the slap in the face that far too many people need right now. I don't sugar coat, I don't mince words, and I absolutely will not bastardize the truth just to keep from hurting someone's feelings.
That was on the main page of "The Ugly Truth Project' my former name, when I started it in 2015 and I can assure my ethics have not changed one bit with the new name.
You choose to read what I write, to watch the videos I make, to see my memes that all express my way of seeing what is going on in the world right now. They are all my own opinions based on my own research.
So, please stop getting mad at me due to your own ignorance.
Don't ask me questions that you do not want to know the answers to.
This is MY corner of the Universe so if you don't like it here stay the hell out of it. No hard feelings from me since I more than likely do not even know you exist.
Or you can visit me or one of the other truths sayer corners of the Universe more often, you might just learn something.
To add a fine point on things, do you know who else gets mad at people for disagreeing with them, or saying things they don't like?
Fascists, communists, socialists, you know we call them Progressives (The Left) in today's era.
You do not want to be in that crowd do you, vicious, Godless people, no thank you!
Instead of just dismissing me or others because our words may make you angry take a few minutes and evaluate just exactly WHY, our words make you so angry (offended).
Look there simply is no delicate way to put this. If this sounds like you and I do not mean just with me, but truths sayers in general, you need to grow the hell up.
Because the other group of people who as a whole act in this manner are children.
Let's get into it.
First off, it is generally me who gets asked the question, 'Why so angry?"
Now for a while someone asking me that would automatically throw me into self-diagnosis mode because as a younger man, I did have some serious anger issues. I was no stranger to violence as a means to resolve an issue.
The foundation of this scribble is that everything I say in here was part of what I myself had to do in order to start healing the cause of that rage and anger in order to move on from it.
Granted, my own experiences are towards the more extreme side of things, but the process of change remains exactly the same no matter the degree of the problem.
It just may take longer for someone who was as narcissistic and arrogant as I was at the time because anger is not the real problem anyway. It is simply a response (a symptom) to something else. Once I got that little gem figured out and accepted things began to fall into place for me a lot easier.
For clarification, that means I had to crush my own ego, my narcissism and arrogance before I could ever even get to the point of even beginning to modify my way of thinking.
In plain English I had to shut the hell up and stop talking so that I could listen for a change. Not an easy thing for me to do at the time.
Now, I and each and every one of us have our own processes of dealing with our own bullshit. I do not write about my personal processes (only generalities) because I am a very strong willed and strong-minded person, I do not want someone using my rather brutish methods of dealing with myself and causing themselves more problems.
I am very hard on myself because I have to be. Most people won't.
I am also not a licensed psychologist and do not pretend to be one either so nothing I say is to be taken as a diagnosis or treatment option. That is entirely between you and your support structure.
However, even though I myself may not hold a PhD the people I get my information from do. In fact, they are the ones who discovered and designed our entire system of psychology, it's disorders and treatments.
You know, the real experts in the field. Nietzsche, Adam Smith, Carl Jung, Freud and many names most people have never heard of whose goal it was to heal the mind, eliminate the cause of the disorder. Not to become drug pushers for the pharmaceutical industry creating lifelong patients because they simply treat the symptoms, not the cause.
That is what modern psychology has been turned into by design in my humble opinion, drug pushers.
Simply put if you want to understand and see the differences in todays methodology you must study the past methodology. To do otherwise would be to validate an opinion with a guess since you likely know very little about either.
That is a choice because you always have the option to learn more about anything. The only question left to ask is whether or not we get off our asses and do it, am I wrong here?
This is our responsibilty, no one elses.
Moving on, let's take a few minutes to digest those two words in a little more detail, meaning Narcissism and Arrogance.
They are after all the root of this scribbles content. Within our current context those two "personality traits/disorders" for a term everyone can understand, are our cause to the effect of being offended, being angry, or hurt.
We need to make sure we understand what we are dealing with because narcissism is a very misunderstood personality trait/disorder due to primarily peoples ignorance and stereotyping. Just because someone exhibits narcissistic tendencies does not automatically label them as a bad person as so many people seem to think nowadays, it has become an intellectual slur for anyone smarter or more knowledgeable than some other people.
As for the arrogance part with knowledge comes confidence and people who do not share that confidence in themselves will invariably see the other person as arrogant. We have been conditioned to this so that we will possibly never listen to those people who know more than we do.
That would be an utter disaster for the manipulators if enough of them do would it not?
There are two types of narcissism and a big list of personality traits that come along with each of them.
And there is a monumental difference between the two that goes completely ignored when people call anyone, they do not like for this particular reason narcissistic. The word loses its meaning and becomes nothing more than a verbal cudgel to beat people over the head with.
This has become the fate of so many of our words during the "Long march through the institutions", weaponized to be used by ignorant people who do not even understand what the words they throw around even mean. Most do not even understand the word ignorant actually means. They simply get triggered by it because that is exactly what they have been conditioned to do by our corrupt education system. Even worse they flat out don't give shit in many cases if they are wrong and that is narcissism at a malignant level
Some other research that I am inclined to agree with supports this as well by agreeing that narcissism exists on a spectrum of severity, and it should be treated accordingly.
The point is that someone being "narcissistic" is not necessarily a disorder, it can simply be a personality trait "adaptive narcissism" that annoys some other people. On the flip side this personality trait makes one very charismatic and likeable to some other people.
So, in the world of common sense what does that tell us? The person themselves is irrelevant. the only relevance is in how different people REACT to that person. If they react positively to that person then there is no problem. If they react negatively to that person then it is they themselves who are creating the problem are they not?
I mean let's cut the bullshit because this was a fundamental truth I had to learn and accept before I could even begin my journey of self-improvement.
No one can, it is the key that unlocks the cell, humility. We must humble ourselves before we can rebuild into a more healthy and stable human being.
"I am just not that important, in fact, in the big picture, I am completely insignificant!" That stung, bad, but once I got passed it, I found my way back to God and pushing 30 years later I am the polar opposite of the person I was when I began this journey.
The main reason in my own mind for that is that through that humility we can not only listen to and understand people and ourselves better, but we can also hear God again.
All we have to is listen when we do because there is no room in our hearts for anger if Jesus lives there, right?
There is no debate about certain things in my mind anymore, just the facts I found through a painstaking process of elimination that 99.999% of the time ended with me being the problem.
Talk about jagged pills to swallow but swallow them I did.
This is very simple. If I don't like someone and I make an issue of it, I am the instigator and therefore the one at fault, I can't blame the other person simply because their personality annoys me.
Who the hell am I to "judge" that person especially with my own history of maladaptive narcissism. Now, I just stay the hell away from them and if I can't I always treat them with courtesy and respect until I can get the hell away them.
That is a choice that I make because the only way that any of this shit can get to me is if I allow it to happen.
Sticks and stones man and letting that stuff get to you is how a child thinks and when we think like a child we act like a child. It is that simple.
Think like adults, and we begin to act like adults. This is one of the simplest truths there is, and it dates back ages before anyone alive today on this earth was even a thought.
But all of the sudden it doesn't matter anymore? Feelings are more important now than hundreds of years of proven psychology.
That in itself should at least raise an eyebrow or two don't you think?
Well apparently, you and I both would be wrong, because otherwise there would be no need for me to be sitting here writing this scribble would there?
Now, all of this stuff is just something to think about guys. Thinking about things never hurt anyone except for some bruised egos which the last time I checked was not a fatal condition. You will survive it.
The nutshell!
I do not control your emotions. Or at least I am not supposed to be able to control your emotions but if you get all bent out of shape over things that I opine or posit, I am indeed controlling your emotions and you seriously need to stop letting me do it.
It's not healthy.
Who am I for you to get so upset with? This question can apply to anyone, not just me. Why would you give me so much power over you that I can negatively impact your life simply by speaking.
That negative impact comes from our own narcissism/arrogance, our own insecurities in our own knowledge and most of all, it makes us feel stupid. At this moment as always, we have a choice to make, and the consequences or repercussions of that choice are ours and ours alone to carry. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
This is the end of the road that we humans try so desperately to avoid. I know I sure did. And that is the fact that as a whole all of our problems are self inflicted by our individual and collective inability to understand our own nature, our own psychology.
This is no accident either, it is by design. In short it is our own narcissism and arrogance in this context that is being used to manipulate us all and keep you from knowing what we know.
If you are automatically offended by our words, you will never listen to them and that is the whole point of the conditioning.
The last little tidbit for y'all to ponder before I go is this. You can look it up for yourself if you doubt my words.
One of the primary signs that someone has been brainwashed is that they get angry at the person or people trying to tell them that they are being manipulated and used instead of getting angry with the people who are actually manipulating and using them.
People like me are simply the messengers so targeting us with your wrath is what prevents you from hearing the message.
And that my friends once again, is a choice, your choice not mine so please stop trying to make me and those like me own your problems. Otherwise you will never get past it and see the truth for yourself.
The only person you are hurting is yourself and that is also by design.
Look y'all. As I have said before. There is no shame in getting manipulated and used by people who are masters of the game, it can happen to anybody. The only shame is if you allow it to continue once you have been made aware that it is happening.
That is also a choice.
Something to think about y'all, till next time. ~Ghost
Connective Tissue (Be sure to watch this one)