Remember, thinking is exactly what they do not want you doing and that should concern you, ALOT! ~Ghost

Look around you, people. Really put the brakes on your mind and life for an hour or so and truly look around you, at what is happening right now.
Millions of your fellow citizens are starting to change sides, they are walking away from all of the communist driven madness that the progressives have been using to steal our children's minds and turn them into mindless drones. Just another worker bee in the hive whose only purpose is to feed and protect the queen who represents the elites.
That is collectivism and anyone who knows history knows that every horror in human history through the 19th and 20th century tyrants began with the same push towards collectivism. Which is why I myself despise it with a very few exceptions like the military where it is essential for the entity to operate effectively.
They are walking away from the government overreach and destruction of our constitutional rights and turning back to our roots as a Constitutional Republic with a Democratic voting system. NOT a full Democracy.
They are turning away from the communist driven transgender ideology and back to sanity and reason, back to God because that is the only place we can ever hope to find sanity and reason.
They are outraged at the unconstitutional lawfare being used against Donald Trump who only committed the unforgivable crime of fucking up their plans for 4 years and making life better for Americans in general (which exposed the lies), not just the progressives/Marxists. The elite.
They are waking up to the lies and unconstitutional actions of our government and scientific institutions during the plandemic that cost Americans their lives and left many with lifelong injuries from a toxic cocktail they were "Mandated" which is a nice way of saying coerced into taking. They used us as lab rat's people!
Millions of people are waking up to it all and there is no question about it. Poke your head out of the Mainstream Propaganda Machines echo chamber for a little while and you will see for yourself.
It is undeniable that this is happening, and the progressives/Marxists are seriously freaking the fuck out over it. Ask yourself why and I mean actually think about it for a while.
What do you think that means guys? I mean let's look at that through the lens of good old common sense for a minute.
What scenario seems more likely to you.
All of these millions of people who are making the choice to walk away from the communist driven chaos are all systematically being brainwashed into individual thought, freedom and liberty by the bad "orange man" like some kind of cult. (First off look up the definition of a cult because what I just described is the polar opposite of what a real cult wants. They want collectivism, not individuality. JS)
You are the one who has been brainwashed and simply can't see what they see yet that is driving them back towards the side of sanity and reason?
I mean think about it this way y'all. If following the crowd is what got you into this nightmare. Maybe in this case following the crowd can also be your way out of it.
Something to think about y'all, till next time. ~Ghost