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Psyop: An Engineered Reality

Writer's picture: Charles "Ghost" CouttsCharles "Ghost" Coutts

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." ~Al-anon


Continuing with our theme of self-education, we need to break things down into manageable parts. (This is where our skills at compartmentalization come in handy) We can no longer attempt to analyze, understand, and apply countless concepts simultaneously; this is, after all, part of the psychological manipulation itself. Humans cannot think clearly when overwhelmed with emotion as with trying to keep up with a lightning-fast news cycle. This leaves us with no time to reflect, creating both individual as well as societal stress, which affects our interactions and behavior, most often unconsciously.

How do we recognize this, you might ask? Well, first off take a look around you, actually stop and see what is going on all around you, watch the news and we can see and hear the stress inducing chaos every minute of every day, evaluate your own stress levels, and trace them back to their causes. (I mean only you can do that so what are you waiting for?) Only by addressing the root causes can we eliminate the effects. We waste far too much of our time dealing with a constant stream of effects driven by the media's relentless propaganda, the cause. They dictate how we should live, dress, what to eat and drink, the cars to drive, and where to live. The marketing campaigns manipulating our desires are as limitless as the products they promote. They feed off of our envy and turn it into profit for themselves. Meanwhile when we fail to achieve these expectations it can and usually will drive us into depression, anxiety, or both. They also control how we think and reason by controlling what information we have access to through censorship. We heed them because we've been conditioned to do so from an early age, starting in school, without even realizing it: "Listen to the 'experts,' 'trust the science,' 'If it were true, it would be on the news,' 'Well, I heard...,' 'They say...,' just do what you are told, you get the idea. Throughout our lives, we've been taught to trust others rather than ourselves and to obey.

Most of us complied without question because the consequences of not doing so could be severe, at least in my school days. This is likely because their parents were conformists as well, passing that mentality to their children. Before moving on, let's understand that this strategy is neither inherently good nor bad; it simply is. Teaching is a softer form of indoctrination, so we can also dismiss the pointless debate over "who" is indoctrinated, as we are all indoctrinated. With that settled, we can focus on the real question: What is the ultimate goal of that indoctrination? There are only two choices: freedom or enslavement, or we might call it Western Civilization or tyranny. Remember, Western philosophies are what enabled us to escape the tyranny of our past in the first place, so losing them leaves only tyranny again. That is an undeniable fact.


So that was a micro explanation *(see video for more) of how we came to be so ripe for manipulation as adults and we have a lot to unpack so let's dig right in to understanding what a psyop is and how to recognize one being implemented by not only the media or government but other people as well, the process remains the same for either. Ask yourself a simple question and answer it honestly; "Wouldn't I rather be able to recognize and fight back against a psyop (manipulation) rather than get manipulated into something I may not be able to get myself out of later?".


I found this to be an excellent video myself and I kind of built this piece around it so let's take some time to watch it. I have discussed some of this content in another posts. On a side note: the other reason I like this video is it saved me a ton of time as someone had asked me to put together something similar. Now I don't have to because this man says everything I would have said and more. He also has what I don't, creds!

18:09 Really pay attention to this and let your own commonsense start connecting the dots because it will, if you let it. It's always a choice.

Best example ever of the corrupt media controlling the narrative.


Now before moving on, we must understand that we all use this methodology and its tactics to some degree in order to get what we want in life, it is part of our psychology as human beings. As with everything there is a line that gets crossed that takes the natural flow of things and redirects it for an unnatural agenda. That is when natural societal consensus becomes manipulation by one person or group of people abusing the power we gave them to take away the very liberties and freedoms they swore an oath to protect. Sound familiar?


I don't believe I have much I can contribute regarding psyops, as the video has covered it well. Let's conclude with some videos I found that illustrate how easily humans can be manipulated due to our desire to conform and belong. Of course, not everyone is like this; for instance, I wasn't raised by a conformist. I was brought up by a rebel who taught me to question everything, never stop learning, never, EVER trust the government, and always think for myself. This mindset naturally made me rather abrasive to the public school system, which aims to promote conformity and acceptance of mediocrity. The conditioning didn't work on me, and since then, I've only uncovered more evidence of manipulation that has recently pushed us close to "communism." It has left a trail of toxic influence throughout our history, visible to anyone willing to open their eyes. The Marxists refer to it as "The long march through the institutions," which gave rise to cultural Marxism and postmodernism. If you want a deeper understanding of psyops and other forms of manipulation intended to undermine our culture and nation, begin there and study thoroughly. (See below for some links to get you started)

Now, as funny as these videos are they also show us just how easily we can be manipulated into doing things we do not specifically intend to do and personally I find this to be quite alarming because it continues to validate something I learned a long time ago.

Human behavior is predictable and anything that is predictable can and usually will be manipulated by someone, it is our nature.

Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost


*A more in depth look at how modern technology has been used to steal our childrens childhoods from them and trap them in an engineered reality. Nothing natural changes this suddenly, it is always so gradual that we hardly notice it. This was and is by design.

Is there anything more diabolical and eviler than using, exploiting and manipulating children.

Always keep in mind, everyone, regardless of the strategies they employ, or the names they adopt, their ultimate aim is collectivism, akin to Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and every other dictator in history. Collectivism stands in opposition to individuality and free thought, and they are completely incompatible. Our only choices are individuality, which represents freedom, or collectivism, which equates to slavery.


Post Modernism and Cultural Marxism with Jordan Peterson.

The Frankfurt School and the "long march through the institutions" (Lecture format)

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