(This scribble is a thought experiment)

In the past, individuals have become so angry about this topic that they resorted to violence. Therefore, if you cannot read about it objectively without letting your emotions take over, it might be best for you to refrain from participating.
Now that the brief disclaimer has been addressed, I trust that you will not skip it as this topic highlights an important point that, once grasped, illuminates many previously obscure areas. It could be described as a "Revealing Step," as it is precisely that - one of several.
First off, any distinction used by me only distinguishes those who are emotionally mature from those who are not. It is not meant as a criticism of anyone; we all begin from the same point and progress through the same stages, albeit not simultaneously. Awakening is a gradual process.
Keep in mind that individuals like me operate on a distinct level compared to those on the opposite side. It's not about being superior or inferior, but rather about recognizing this distinction as a key factor for our progress.
In analyzing our subject, we can compare it to a game of chess, focusing solely on the interactions within the 64 squares of the board. Temporarily setting aside emotional ties allows us to concentrate on objective facts governed by the game's rules, where cause and effect dictate the outcome.
Chess is a strategic game that requires thinking ahead by 4-5 moves, similar to life. Distractions and emotions can lead to losing the game. Stay focused during the game and save emotional reactions for afterward. Agree?
I'm eager to dive straight into matters, so let's dispense with the pearl-clutching and gasps from the outset.
Good and evil are two aspects of the same concept shaped by individual and collective perspectives. The key difference is that those on the side of "good" critically analyze perspectives before forming beliefs, while those on the side of "evil" do not.
It's crucial to note that this isn't a criticism. The lack of proper instruction in critical thinking is the main reason for this situation. Without this skill, one's perspective is limited. Agree?
I have discussed that dynamic in my other works. If you haven't read them, I recommend catching up.
Let's proceed with the thought experiment and analyze this on a purely logical basis.
The concepts of good and evil exist uniquely for individuals, often influenced by personal emotions, especially among religious believers. From new converts to extremists, these reactions are deeply emotional, representing a factual reality.
In a previous statement, I mentioned accepting God's existence as a realist, a pivotal moment in my journey as a free thinker. This topic has been further explored in my other writings, including one where I was questioned specifically.
"What do you mean by that? Wouldn't a realist NOT believe in God?" This stems from a persistent misunderstanding of realism.
Realists explore grey areas to uncover facts, staying open-minded and objective. They focus on what is right, not who is right.
We have repeatedly observed that our colleagues are only concerned with who is right (meaning them of course), disregarding any evidence to the contrary. It is because our flawed education system ingrained their beliefs rather than them being formed through the individuals critical thinking.
As advocates of "goodness," we see our adversaries' actions as evil, but they view us the same way, each side believing they are virtuous, and the other is in the wrong.
Two sides of the same coin, and we, human beings are the coin.
These are the two viewpoints encapsulating the entire notion of good and evil. So, what lies at the core of this concept, as every idea originates from a source, with cause and effect always governing our existence, always seeking equilibrium.
Our understanding of good and evil is based on the natural law of balance. Humans have long recognized these opposing forces through observed effects in the world, even if not fully understood.
The emergence of the concepts of good and evil in humanity was deified in paganism and shamanism, and continues to be prevalent in present-day churches, mosques, and synagogues with their own revisions and philosophies.
In the era of the Catholic Church, scientists like DaVinci and others started to grasp the true nature of these two forces, posing a significant challenge to the church's doctrines. We are familiar with the outcome, aren't we?
Nowadays, we understand that the positive and negative forces are responsible for maintaining the equilibrium that prevents all things, including ourselves, from dispersing into a cloud of atoms and rejoining the void.
We frequently engage in an ongoing debate over whether religious beliefs or scientific evidence should take precedence, focusing once again more on the question of who is right rather than what is right. It is important to remember that both are theoretical in nature, not proven facts.
In the past, I reflected on the query of whether God created man to worship Him or if man invented God to have a deity to worship.
Given the other subjects we have explored in this text, it is an intriguing question to consider since these two forces predated human existence. Humans merely assigned them names in order to comprehend them. Could it be that humans created God as a way to achieve understanding?
Please note that this is a thought experiment meant to provoke thought and encourage thinking outside our usual boundaries. You can always return to your comfort zone at any time.
I believe that the existence of these forces predating humans indicates that our presence is indeed influenced by forces greater than ourselves. Our lives revolve around one side of a balance or the other based on the decisions we make or choose not to make.
Isn't free will about choosing to reject inherent evil and sin in human nature, thus aligning ourselves with good instead?
Opting for goodness requires effort, commitment, loyalty, and most importantly, selflessness in renouncing worldly pleasures that we must reject.
Being good can be challenging, whereas being bad is effortless since it aligns with our natural inclinations. Those who claim that people are inherently good have likely not experienced the difficulties of raising a child.
It is essential for us to learn from a young age how to be kind, as otherwise we may grow up to become individuals lacking empathy, focused solely on ourselves, self-absorbed, and lacking a moral compass, viewing others as mere tools for our own benefit. You know, everything evil in our understanding.
Who does that remind you of? Perhaps the majority of individuals under the age of 40 at the moment.
Back to that question I mentioned earlier about God creating man or man creating God...
Regardless of the outcome, the presence of both God and Lucifer is inevitable for me as a realist. I consider the question irrelevant since one cannot exist without the other, making their existence a certainty. What is there to question further?
The eternal conflict between "good" and "evil" will persist as long as anything else exists. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, and our perceptions dictate the path we choose. Without understanding the origins of this concept, we lack the knowledge to make informed decisions. Don't you agree?
Regrettably, in such situations, the majority of individuals tend to conform to the prevailing norms of society, which may be perceived as malevolent from our viewpoint but virtuous from theirs. Alternatively, they frequently become ensnared in a state of blissful ignorance until they are swept into collectivism and risk being lost indefinitely.
The bible talks about them as well.
We need to focus on gaining a deeper understanding of the reasons behind our actions as humans, rather than just passively observing them. To achieve this, we need to be open to questioning our beliefs using verified facts. Otherwise, our own arrogance may lead us astray, not other people.
I understand that this may appear contrary to what you have been taught about questioning the Bible, the doctrine, and so on. However, rest assured that we are not questioning the validity of any of those things.
Our goal is to deepen our understanding of them by exploring their essence, their origin. Unlike knowledge and wisdom, understanding is not a process but a final destination, a goal to strive for, as humans are limited in their capacity to learn beyond what they can grasp.
Knowledge is ineffective without understanding, which is achieved by questioning our own knowledge. We can explore freely without forming beliefs if we use critical thinking.
Never allow anyone to tell you that seeking knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is a bad thing, and we shouldn't do it. No matter what the context, ignorance is the tool of tyrants. Always has been and always will be.
Something to think about y'all, till next time. ~Ghost
Connective Tissue
If you want to dive into the weeds. 3 parts
One of the reasons I use Nietzsche is because he is one of the primary people whose words are bastardized by the post-modernists to justify their beliefs.
Cover Image source: Pinterest