(Opinion) RAW- This means I didn't clean it up when you see it. Just being myself.

I can understand the skepticism and resistance that may arise from those who have been influenced to accept a particular belief as fact, even though I disagree with it. I hope you stick around because I aim to present my perspective based on factual analysis rather than resorting to emotionally driven distractions. It is essential to separate emotions from the discussion and focus on the evidence at hand. Ultimately, I want people to make up their own minds. I am a simple purveyor of information. What if anything someone chooses to do with that information is entirely up to them.
Now, before we move on the facts, we are dealing today with my favorite sense, common sense, which of course means that there is no other viable explanation or cause for this certain "effect". Remember, I believe that everything is cause and effect, coincidences are mere anomalies caused by circumstances overlapping. Everything has a cause, and that cause can have a plethora of effects leading back to it. Those paths are what we use to find that cause but that becomes impossible if we are wasting time arguing over whether the effects are even real or not. This is where we are today folks and the longer it takes us to deal with that cause the more and more effects that are growing out of it like choking vines seeking all of our throats.
Moving forward, I could sit here and write a 10,000-word essay on a man named Givonni Gentile who though "unpersoned" by historians to perpetuate the lie that fascism is a right-wing ideology is the true father of fascism. But I won't. Instead, I will provide information that you can search through at your leisure and proceed with what I see as the most important common-sense fact that identifies without question in my opinion that fascism is not a cousin but a sibling to communism and socialism which means its father is also Marxism. Left-wing through and through.
This is a very good description of what acidemia did to Givonni Gentile. If you ask 100 people who the father of fascism is, you will get one of two answers from 99 of the people. Bennito Mussolini or Adolph Hitler. Mussolini took Gentile's philosophy of fascism and put it into practice, made it a reality just as Hitler created his own version fascism that evolved into Nazism with the addition of racism (antisemitism).
I had an interesting time getting Microsoft's Copilot to stick to the facts. It really tried to get me distracted onto other things that would minimize or mislead into a narrative rather than just answering the question I asked it. You can view that HERE along with the detailed reference sheet for both Gentile and Hegel.
The point that I eventually coerced Copilot into admitting is that Hegel, was a collectivist by definition as he believed that true freedom could not exist without the influence of the state. "The State" is always and I do mean always powered and protected by collectivism. Giovanni Gentile was a student of Hegel, and his own works prove that he was also a collectivist by definition. This clip is what solidified my own segmented knowledge of this subject, maybe it can do the same for you if you still need some holes filled in. The very meaning of fascism is collectivist by nature.
Now, if you follow my scribbles and mind dumps you know that when it comes to rendering things down to a fact-based starting point, I rely heavily on my God given common sense, it is there for a reason and it has never been wrong yet. The above video laid out the connection between Marxism and fascism by providing the missing link, or should we say the "hidden link" that proves fascism is just another tendril of the same poison vine called Marxism. Marx was Gentile's philosophical mentor, that is the connection that has been hidden away for all of these decades by the media and academia to perpetuate the lie that fascism is a right-wing ideology. Let that sink in real good man.
We can make this connection even more solid with what I see as a rather obvious but ignored fact concerning fascism. It is as we have laid out that fascism is a collectivist ideology. It does not matter if that collectivism is focused on a region, a nation, a race, or any other thing one can think up because collectivism is not an idea, it is not an ideology, religion or anything else. It is a political tactic used by those in power since before there was even a term for it and the sooner people make that distinction the sooner, they will start seeing the lefts narrative start to crumble.
Rightwing ideologies are without fail centered on smaller government control, broader freedoms and liberties for the individual. They are focused on the rights and needs of the individual over the needs of the collective, or "the common good". This by default makes all real conservative ideologies inherently anti-collectivism does it not?
So, see if you can rationalize out how fascism which is by definition collectivist in nature can also be a rightwing ideology which by definition are inherently anti-collectivism. Add to your thinking the fact that both communism and socialism are based in collectivism which are by no means right-wing or conservative so do we have three 'ideologies' based on collectivism that all seek the same goal but somehow one of them is right wing? Come on guys, on a commonsense level does that jive in your mind in any way? Then the question becomes well why do so many people not know this when it is so easily proven?
You erase the connection and teach a revised version of history just as the scene from 1984 shows earlier, that's how you do it. Propaganda does the rest until enough people either believe it or are bullied into silence so that the next phase of subjugation can begin. Force and punishment, the authoritarian's favorite part since their very mentality is focused on forcing and punishing, it is who they are at a base level, their true self. Authoritarianism is also not an ideology, it is the state of mind, the mentality that drives people to become authoritarians and we understand through psychology that this particular mentality is rooted in malignant narcissism resulting in a belief in their own superiority. This of course results in the belief that they have the right to control the lives of those they view as inferior. And today, to put it bluntly, these people want their slaves back and that means us. That is what all of this is about, returning to legalized slavery on a global scale. That has been their end goal from the beginning of their war against western civilization and the freedom it gives to those they see as their property to with as they choose. The same mentality of every slave owner in human history.
My god people this is nothing new, it is the same thing that has happened every time we listen to these 'authoritarians' honeyed words and surrender our lives to them. The entire process is a known and very well documented aspect of psychological warfare in both governmental and psychological records. The only reason I know these things is because I researched them. I used my eyeballs and my brain to find out for myself if what I was being told was the truth. The only reason you don't know these things is because you have not put the time and effort into doing that yourself, and that my friend is a choice.
So, there you have it; why I believe that fascism is and always has been a left-wing ideology. Simply put, if you use the methods and tactics of fascists, you are a fascist!
Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost
The weeds- (99+) "Constructing fascist identity: Benito Mussolini and the myth of romanità ", in: Classical World 100/41, 2007, p. 391-415 | Jan Nelis - Academia.edu