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Cults and Brainwashing: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow the Methodology Never Changes.

Writer's picture: Charles "Ghost" CouttsCharles "Ghost" Coutts

Updated: Sep 29, 2024

If you all look, act, speak, and believe the exact same way as those around you then you are not an individual, you are a collective with one mind and no free will. ~Ghost


The idea of cults and brainwashing continues to captivate and worry people in modern society. To gain a deep comprehension of these subjects, we need to explore the fields of psychology and history, revealing the complex mechanisms that mold individuals into loyal adherents of authoritarian beliefs. The psychology of cult behavior and brainwashing represents a sinister and convoluted path that has troubled humanity throughout the ages.

From a psychological perspective, a cult is a sophisticated social phenomenon that explores the intricacies of human behavior and belief structures. Beyond being just highly devoted groups, cults serve as a potent influence capable of molding individuals' identities, beliefs, and behaviors in significant manners. Research by Dr. Robert Jay Lifton illuminates the complex dynamics within cults, demonstrating how they frequently function as enclosed systems that exercise authority over their followers through diverse methods.

An essential element of cults lies in their charismatic leaders, who have the ability to enthrall followers and foster a deep-seated loyalty and compliance. These leaders typically exhibit a captivating charm and an inspiring vision that attracts people to them. By employing manipulation strategies and psychological methods, they uphold their power and control over the group, molding its convictions and behaviors to suit their personal objectives.

Consider this: Trump is not generally perceived as a charismatic or charming individual by the media or anyone else really is he; rather, he comes across as harsh, blunt, critical, and openly hostile towards the smooth-talking sociopaths who lead these cults. In contrast, Harris tends to say whatever she believes will maintain your support, regardless of its veracity. This has been demonstrated by her own statements on multiple occasions. It's important to pay attention, folks!

Additionally, cults often utilize isolation tactics to enhance the reliance of their members on the group and its beliefs. Through isolating individuals from external influences and fostering an "us versus them" mindset, cults cultivate a feeling of exclusivity and solidarity within their followers. This seclusion helps to reinforce the group's authority over its members and deter any opposition or independent thinking that might question the accepted doctrines.

Typically, progressive backers fully support the individual they view as the leader, while patriotic Americans wholeheartedly support upholding our freedoms, individual liberties, and autonomy in every area of our lives. Donald Trump is merely the most effective means we have to achieve this goal. Whether it's Trump or another individual, our allegiance lies with our country and values, not with a specific person. This is the distinction between our beliefs and theirs. Take some time to reflect on this.

Cult operations are based on transcendent beliefs that offer direction, significance, and community to followers. These beliefs promise spiritual awakening, material benefits, or a greater calling, attracting those seeking solutions. Demanding unwavering allegiance, these convictions create a strong emotional bond with followers, fostering loyalty despite internal doubts. Fear of exclusion reinforces the influence of group mentality.


Brainwashing, or thought reform, is a manipulation technique to control thoughts and behaviors. Psychologist Margaret Singer extensively researched brainwashing, identifying key signs of its secretive nature. One significant characteristic is intentional isolation to weaken critical thinking and promote reliance on the manipulator.

Understanding these tactics makes us all but impervious to their influence.

Induced dependency, highlighted by Singer, is vital for a manipulator to maintain control. By undermining self-confidence and independence, the manipulator creates a reliance on their guidance, shaping the person's thoughts and actions. This deliberate dependence reinforces power dynamics and instills a deep fear of straying from established beliefs. The looming threat of severe consequences deters any deviation, solidifying the manipulator's authority. Who does this remind you of?

When considering who resembles the individuals' backing progressives and "communism," which is fundamentally collectivist, versus those supporting a free America and individualism, which inherently opposes collectivism, think about this: cults are entirely rooted in collectivism. Therefore, it should be obvious that those who are anti-collectivist (anti-cult) cannot be labeled as a cult. It would be wise to delve into this topic for a clearer understanding. Projection

Margaret Singer's research on brainwashing uncovers the intricate tactics of psychological manipulation and coercion used to shape individuals' beliefs and behaviors to align with a specific agenda. Her work reveals the nuanced strategies involved in this prevalent form of psychological control.


Throughout history, the use of brainwashing techniques by authoritarians has been a recurring and troubling phenomenon. This manipulation of minds has been a key strategy employed by various groups and governments to exert power and influence over the masses. The tactics used to achieve this range from subtle forms of propaganda to outright censorship and fearmongering. Sound familiar?

In ancient times, cult leaders would use elaborate rituals and psychological manipulation to control their followers' thoughts and behaviors. As we know these techniques often involved isolating individuals from external influences and bombarding them with a specific ideology or belief system. Sound familiar? Similarly, modern-day totalitarian regimes have perfected the art of brainwashing by utilizing sophisticated propaganda machinery and surveillance technologies to monitor and control the flow of information.

We already know that the influence of brainwashing on society is significant, as it has the ability to mold the shared awareness and establish societal standards and beliefs. Through managing the storyline and influencing public sentiment, authoritarian figures can stifle disagreement and uphold their authority. Sound familiar? The deceptive characteristics of brainwashing render it a powerful tool for individuals aiming to solidify dominance and quash resistance.

Marxism, the ideology that has fueled virtually all the atrocities perpetrated by tyrants throughout history, is a collectivist belief system that often displays cult-like traits among its followers. The strict adherence to Marxist principles, the stifling of dissent, and the vilification of differing opinions resemble the strategies employed by cult leaders to exert dominance. For example, under the rule of Marxist figures such as Stalin or Mao, people were deprived of their individuality and compelled to adhere to the collective agenda. Who does this sound like to you?

Consider Kamala Harris as a contemporary illustration. She openly identifies as a progressive, a term associated with Marxism, and incorporates Marxist principles into her own beliefs, aligning herself with an authoritarian mindset typical of Marxist ideologies. This is not a personal viewpoint, but rather a well-documented reality. Given her Marxist leanings, what are your expectations regarding Harris' actions? Will she prioritize freedom and individual liberty, or follow the historical trend of Marxists seeking absolute control and subjugation of the populace? Let's use common sense to analyze this situation!


Whether religious, political, or social in nature, all cult leaders share a common mentality: to manipulate individuals into submission for the benefit of the authoritarian minded leaders themselves. The members are simply a means to an end, a shield and willing sacrifice if needed. The methodology employed, including indoctrination, social isolation, and enforced conformity, serves to strip individuals of their autonomy and mold them into obedient followers. Who does this sound like to you?

Throughout history, from the ancient cults of Mesopotamia to the totalitarian regimes of the 19th and 20th century, brainwashing has consistently been a preferred tactic of authoritarian figures. Why would one think that will ever change? Through the elimination of personal identity and the promotion of unquestioning allegiance, authoritarian rulers cultivate a collective mindset among their followers, whose primary purpose is to cater to the ruling class. The outcomes of such brainwashing tactics are severe, resulting in the stifling of independent thinking and the perpetuation of oppressive systems.

Today, we are observing the reverberations of historical horrors as leaders and influencers employ advanced brainwashing methods to foster a following that meets every criterion of a cult. By leveraging social media manipulation, spreading misinformation, and employing group mentality strategies, people are pressured to relinquish their ability to think critically and instead pledge unwavering loyalty to a shared storyline. The diminishing of personal identity and independent thinking is laying the groundwork for a society of individuals working tirelessly for the advantage of unseen puppeteers. Also known as slaves.

This situation has repeated numerous times throughout our history, and it is not that we have forgotten, as many of us remember. The issue lies in the lack of education on real history, a deliberate effort to separate YOU from the truth, and these are the tactics of a cult. Let's wake up and smell the coffee, shall we?

To sum up, the subtle influence of cults and brainwashing is persistent across different eras and beliefs, exposing a sinister aspect of human behavior and control dynamics. In the midst of navigating the intricacies of modern society, it is crucial to stay alert to the allure of authoritarianism and protect our uniqueness from those attempting to diminish it. Only through comprehending the psychological tactics involved can we aspire to liberate ourselves from manipulation and regain our independence.

Here is an absolute reality my friends. You cannot be an individual and part of a cult at the same time, you must choose to be one or the other. Either you are in control of your mind, body and soul or someone else is be it a human or one side of our never ending battle with good and evil, you must pick a side.

There is that pattern again.

Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost


Connective Tissue

Marxism is a cult

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