
What is the fundamental basis of not just psychology, but all science?
Observation. Do you require a PhD to observe? Therefore, begin observing, apply your common sense, and refrain from allowing others to think for you.
People often resort to the logical fallacy of 'Arguing from a position of authority' by questioning whether I hold a PhD in psychology due to my frequent discussions on the topic. The truth is, I do not possess a PhD, however, every source I rely on for information does or they are the very creators of psychology as a science. I am of the Jungian school myself for example. Additionally, I have delved into the study of human behavior as a personal passion for more than three decades, excelled in all psychology courses during my college years, attended numerous open lectures on the subject, and extensively read the works of renowned figures such as Carl Jung of course, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Adam Smith, and other lesser-known intellectuals. To this day, I continue to devote time to stay updated on the latest advancements in the field of psychology.
My point here always remains the same: You don't require a PhD in psychology to comprehend fundamental human behavior. As humans, our behavior inherently mirrors that of the majority at a basic level. Human behavior is not a mystery; it's highly predictable. Those in power have extensively studied these predictable behaviors and know precisely how to exploit them on a large scale, particularly with today's advanced technology. It is called psychological warfare, and the fact that I have studied it extensively is why I can recognize it being used right now. FACT: If you knew what I know from studying this subject you would recognize it too.
Are you getting it yet guys?
The average person walking around today is utterly unaware of their own predictability and how it is being used to manipulate them in enumerable ways. This lack of awareness stems from their early education in public schools, where they were discouraged from trying to comprehend psychology (human behavior) and instead told to defer to the expertise of others. Despite this, some individuals, including myself, rejected this notion and pursued the study of human behavior anyway. Some of us went on to become psychologists, while others became critics within the field, like me. What I mean by that is that psychology has been unnaturally influenced by Marxist ideologies as part of the "Long March through the institutions," a concept that may be unfamiliar to many due to their lack of knowledge about it. That is so easy to change! (See links below)
What is "ironic" to me is how people tend to get angry with me for revealing their lack of knowledge, instead of questioning why they lack that knowledge in the first place. I do recognize that this reaction is a defense mechanism, but we have the choice to approach it differently. We could simply acknowledge when someone knows more than we do and take the opportunity to learn from them. Unfortunately, this humility is rare in people nowadays, as excessive narcissism leads to hypersensitive, immature behavior. Ignorance and harmful immaturity seem to prevail in our modern society and that is all part of the manipulation.
Simply put, when we truly understand ourselves, we gain insight into others at a basic level, enabling us to predict human behavior just like the "experts" do. To drive this point home this predictability forms the framework for designing systems that can recognize patterns and establish a standard for what is considered "normal" behavior. In psychology, this process is captured in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), currently in its 5th edition and I have read them all.
Don't even get me started on that one or I will write a book. It needs its own mind dump.
The predictability of human behavior is widely known, with extensive research available in papers, books, studies, experiments, and results. One could dedicate a lifetime to studying without covering it all, believe me, I know. I enjoy reading this material, but again my point is, it's not necessary for you to do so. Simply grasp the fundamentals and you already know more than over 90% of the people around you making you very difficult to manipulate while that 90% get trapped in a cycle of ignorance they can't get out of because they do not understand what is happening to them.
For instance, consider a scenario where I repeatedly poke you in the eye with my finger. Each and every time, you experience pain and respond with a mix of anger and confusion, wondering why I am causing you harm. This predictable reaction occurs consistently, and over time, the act of poking you in the eye becomes unnecessary to trigger your emotional response. It evolves into a trauma-induced reaction that you cannot easily control. By manipulating your responses in this way, I effectively gain control over you, as mastering one reaction often leads to influence over others. This dynamic of cause and effect is why authority figures caution young individuals against viewing situations solely through this lens, as it has the potential to unveil deception and manipulation. It is a deliberate strategy employed by those in power, who are well aware of its implications.
Does that make sense? Because if it doesn't, please tell me so I can elaborate. Understanding this example is critical to understanding and gaining the ability to recognize the manipulation I am talking about. I will take all of the time anyone needs to clarify this.
I often reiterate this statement, acknowledging that certain people may be weary of hearing it, yet human behavior is predictable and anything that is predictable will be used to manipulate humans. This inclination is ingrained in us and remains unchangeable. Look guys, I realize I'm repeating myself, but it's because I aim to underscore a vital point that could revolutionize your life, as it did mine.
A simple little statement that holds tremendous power. "It all begins and ends with you". If you lack knowledge, it's because you're not looking for it. If you're facing challenges and feeling stuck, it's due to the choices you're making. If people are avoiding you, it's probably because of how you treat them. Until we acknowledge and take responsibility for these actions and their consequences (cause and effect), things will absolutely remain the same for us.
Our own actions are the sole factor determining our current position, as being human entails significant responsibilities towards others, society, and ourselves. It is up to us to shape our own destiny, and this hinges on our self-awareness. It is our duty to cultivate this self-awareness, as it forms the foundation for all subsequent decisions we will make.
Ask almost anyone to explain their actions, that is, what they do, and most people can easily list them without hesitation. However, when questioned about the reasons behind their actions, they often struggle to provide an answer. It seems that many individuals are unsure why they behave the way they do; they simply act out of habit. I firmly believe that humans never act without a purpose, no matter how small the action may seem. Every action we do serves a specific intention, and if we are unable to determine that intention, it suggests that our actions are influenced by external forces, conditioning us to act or not act in certain ways that serve the purposes (agenda) of others.
Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost
Connective Tissue
Abstract- The more you know people, the more you know...
The Weeds-
Lecture by Robert Jay Lifton who is considered the foremost authority on psychological warfare (Thought Reform) 1:01:06